Protect Your Clients' Income & Assets Better Than Anyone Else
Intake, Educate, Illustrate, Sell!
Financial Foundations™ is a CRM and illustration software made for insurance agencies. It was created for the intake and storage of client information, for the educating of clients on important financial rules and principles, and for illustrating the value of your proposed products and plans, comparing their efficiency to the other options at your clients’ disposal. With Financial Foundations, you don't have to merely explain to your clients why they need more of one insurance or another, or why they should approach estate planning or retirement in a certain way; you can actually SHOW them. On top of this, you can manage all the workflow and information associated with current and potential clients.
Don't just tell your clients what they should do; start SHOWING them. Intake, educate, illustrate, sell! That's the power of Financial Foundations.
Asset & Income Protection
Show your clients how important life insurance and disability insurance is when it comes to protecting their income, no matter what comes their way, and why an umbrella policy might be needed to protect their net worth.
Tax-Free Income
Most people don't know that they can create retirement income free of income tax. But you can show them exactly how to do this with our retirement calculators and the use of IULs.
Future Retirement
Our retirement income optimization tools help you to quantify your clients' retirement targets and show them why they need to prioritize income above liquid savings, making annuities and IULs a clear choice.
Long-Term Care & Legacy
Show your clients how important long-term care planning is to protecting their retirement income, and show them how to use a permanent life insurance policy to insure their money isn't wasted if a long-term care event never happens, automating their legacy as efficiently as possible.
Estate & Business Planning
Show your clients how to use permanent life insurance to create effective, tax-efficient estate assets. And show your clients who own businesses how best to protect the continuity of their business and business interests.