Other Goals Needs & Objectives

The final step in the process accommodates everything else your clients would like to accomplish. Paying off their mortgage early, saving for kids' college, weddings, or missions, and helping others financially might be a few.

As a fact, these other goals need to be worked on only after you've properly addressed steps 1 through 3. However, you can use this step in the process to show your clients who are concerned with how their assets pass on after death, how they can best automate a legacy with permanent life insurance, while also protecting against a potential long-term care event. Use the Long-Term Planner to accommodate this discussion, as well as the Legacy & Estate Planner to show how well permanent life insurance works at transferring wealth.

In addition to these concerns and objectives, you may have clients with desires to form trusts for their estate, or with concerns about estate taxes. Use the Estate Planning Resources and the respective tools to steer the conversation toward the solutions that help them most.

Beyond personal finance, you may have clients with business interests. Use our Business Resources and the calculators associate with them to help your clients best protect their business finances. Step 4: Other Goals Needs & Objectives.

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